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Token Generation Event


Published on May 10 2024

The token launch is on May 15, 2024. You will find all the information you need here to be prepared.
Token Generation Event

Token Generation Event

When is TGE?

The TGE will happen on May 15th at 8AM UTC. This is when the CTA tokens will be available on Ethereum (L1) as ERC20 for all people who bought them before the Public Sale.
Due to bridge delay from Immutable X (L2) to Ethereum (L1), tokens that are on Immutable X (L2) will be sent earlier so you can withdraw them on time for the TGE if you want to (see below).

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When and where do we get our tokens?

For Players:
If you have CTA tokens on your CTA account or inside your Mint Pass, they will be available directly on Immutable X (L2).

We will send all the CTA tokens between 10 hours and 9 hours before the TGE to allow you to withdraw from Immutable X (L2) to Ethereum (L1) in advance. This withdrawal takes ~9 hours at this moment but can go up to ~12 hours according to Immutable.

For Investors:

If you have vested CTA tokens, you will be able to claim them directly on Ethereum (L1) through Magna, the token management solution we choose, using the wallet sent to us. You will receive the instructions by email.

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As a player, how many tokens will I receive and on what wallet?

10 hours before the TGE, we will take a snapshot of your wallets and send the CTA tokens on Immutable X (L2) as following:

  • Tokens from Mint Pass: On the same wallet that the mint pass is (1500 per stage).
  • Tokens from Animation Level refund: On the same wallet that cards are (36 for a Lvl2, 56 for a Lvl3) (cf. Collections for more details)
  • Tokens on the Account: On the target wallet, the amount currently displayed in-game.
  • Tokens from Free Animation refund: On the target wallet (36 per Free Animation Level).


I have:

  • A Blue Mint Pass stage 4 on wallet A, a Green Mint Pass stage 2 on wallet B
  • 5 cards AL2 on wallet A, 4 cards AL3 on wallet B, 10 cards AL2 and 5 AL3 on wallet C
  • 1200 CTA tokens on my account, my target wallet is wallet A.
  • 12 free animation levels on my account.

I will receive:

  • 4x1500 + 5x36 + 1200 + 12x36 = 7812 tokens on wallet A.
  • 2x1500 + 4x56 = 3224 on wallet B.
  • 10x36 + 5x56 = 640 on wallet C.


Keep in mind that any transfer being done after the snapshot will not be recorded, as such we recommend you to not transfer or buy any asset related to the CTA token between the snapshot and the TGE.

We highly recommend everyone to cancel any offer made on a charged Mint Pass, as sellers may accept them after the TGE.

Finally, CTA tokens on my account will not be sent automatically if you do not have a valid KYC or have less than 0 Pranah or do not have a target wallet set. In that case, you will be warned by email and then you will have 90 days to set up your account/KYC. After this period, if the tokens have not been claimed, they will be converted and sent as Pranah to the account using listing rate (0.25$).

Claim details:

  • Start: 10 hours before the TGE
  • Where: CTA Portal
  • End: 90 days after the TGE
  • Conditions: KYC & Pranah >= 0 & target wallet set up


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Where can we trade CTA tokens?

You will be able to trade them on multiple centralized exchanges. We are also sponsoring a Uniswap V3 pool on Ethereum (L1).

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How are allocated the CTA tokens from the Public Sale?

CTA tokens from the Public Sale (30M) are allocated to :

  • 10M - Market Maker
  • 6M - Bybit
  • 4M - Other Exchanges Marketing & Listing Fees
  • ⁠⁠3M - Swapper
  • 3M - Animation Level Refund & Packs PreSale not opened
  • 2M - Launchpad Elixir
  • 2M - Other Exchanges Security Deposit
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Can I mint once the CTA token is on-chain?

Yes, but minting will be paused at the beginning of the TGE due to the high volatility after the listing. It will be back shortly thereafter. Free minting can still be used.

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Can I buy CTA tokens using Pranah?

Yes, you will be able to do so after the TGE. You will also be able to trade CTA tokens for Pranah if you want to. This will be available a few days after the TGE.ollow our announcements to know when it will be available.

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When will be the next SR cards?

Next SRs will be available a few weeks after the TGE.
As highlighted in our AMA, you will be able to lock up to 13 weeks the CTA tokens to be eligible for SRs weekly airdrop. Locking with a Mint Pass and/or for a longer period reduces the amount of CTA token locked.
More information on this and Perks later this month.

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What is happening to the Animation Levels and the Collection?

As said in our latest AMA, we want to rework the collection to make it more accessible and be at the center of the application. With this rework, we also think that the current state of the animation levels is not satisfying as we want to allow all the players to get them more easily. 

To allow us to rework this feature, we decided to refund all the users who possess an animation level 2 or 3 on any card no matter the way (Free Animation, Pranah or CTA tokens).

This refund will be made in CTA tokens for everyone.

More details about the collection will come closer to the next major update of the TCG.

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How can we get CTA tokens on Ethereum (L1) to trade it outside Immutable X (L2)?

The official way to deposit/withdraw CTA tokens from Immutable X (L2) is through their bridge.

Link to access the application

Video guide showing off all 3 procedures:

Alternatively, here is a text version:

In order to interact with, you will have to register your wallet on the Ethereum Smart Contract (one transaction).
After that, if you want to deposit, you will need to make sure your wallet is registered on IMX.

If you want to withdraw, you will have to prepare the amount of CTA tokens you want to withdraw and wait for them to be rolled up. Once it is rolled up, you can withdraw the full amount (two transactions).


I want to deposit :

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Once the transaction has succeeded on Ethereum (L1), a new transaction will be done on Immutable X (L2) with the corresponding CTA token amount.

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I want to withdraw :

  • Choose CTA and enter the amount you want to withdraw.
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  • Click on Prepare to go to the following step:
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  • Confirm then sign and you will see this message:
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  • Now you have to wait until the amount is show as "Withdrawable":
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  • You can also follow the advancement on Immutascan using transaction:
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Once confirmed, click on Withdraw to get here:

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Sign the transaction:

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Now your withdrawal is confirmed and will arrive on your wallet on Ethereum (L1):

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In addition to this method, which is the official way and will remain so, we made a partnership with Layerswap and made our own Swapper for all our products.

Layerswap will be available on TGE although the liquidity will be small and some high delays are to be expected.
Our swapper will be available in beta on TGE through API only (see this document), once beta will be finished an interface will be made available on CTA Portal.

We still recommend you to deposit/withdraw from Immutable X Bridge as it is the only method that has a very high liquidity available. If you use Layerswap or our Swapper, you might have to wait multiple hours or days before liquidity is available during the first days due to the high amount of volume expected. Those two methods are mainly here for easy onboarding, not to handle a high volume of bridge.
The documentation of the Swapper will be published next week.

See also