
diamond decoration

May 24 2024

What's Next?

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In the coming days, there will be several important events related to the CTA ecosystem.

What's Next?

What's Next?


In June 2024, we plan to release a four-part update:

  • New MPC (Multi-Party Computation) Wallet
  • Goodbye Pranah!
  • Welcome to the Loyalty Program!
  • New SR rotation

New MPC (Multi-Party Computation) Wallet

Since October 2023, Cross The Ages has implemented a KYC (Know Your Customer) system to prevent fraud. This measure has complicated the onboarding to Web3, so we have been looking for a solution that allows the use of blockchain without KYC, while still preventing fraud and complying with regulations and legal imperatives.

In the next patch, a new MPC wallet will be available alongside the current in-game wallet. It allows the replacement of Pranah with the CTA token and simplifies staking.

Cross The Ages will never be able to act alone on the wallet, even if our systems are hacked, and the user will never be able to interact with the MPC wallet alone.

Goodbye Pranah!

Goodbye Pranah! It will be completely replaced by CTA.

We initially created two currencies: Pranah (Web2) and CTA (Web3) to make it easier for players to integrate into Web3. The CTA is not subject to local taxes (VAT/GST), unlike Pranah, which complicates exchanges and conversions by imposing a tax on Pranah transactions. Now that the CTA is on-chain, using a single currency will simplify life for our players and streamline onboarding.

You can now convert all your Pranah into CTA tokens at the current market price on the  CTA Portal.

If you keep all of your Pranah until the update 0.22.3, all of your Pranah will automatically be converted at the market rate of CTA at that time.

Until that date, if you want to buy Pranah with your CTA, you can do so today on the marketplace through Pranah bundles. It will still be possible to buy it with USDC until the same date.

To make an in-game purchase, you can either use your CTA (with a 5% base discount on the price) or use the platform's payment method (App Store, Play Store, Stripe, etc.).

You will also be able to use CTA to purchase your land in September. Note that USDC is also accepted.

The $500 and 3x$500 Pranah bundles distributed to Golden and Golden Legacy mint pass holders will be replaced with their equivalent in CTA.

New economic model without Pranah:

Purchases with CTA tokens flowchart

New Weekly Special Rare (SR) Card Cycle

The next SR cycle will start with version 0.22.3.

Beginning with this cycle, there will be no break between cycles. Once the Mantris cycle is complete, the Rift cycle will begin the following week.

As mentioned in our white paper, there are two ways to get Special Rare cards each week:

  • Staking in the mint pass
  • Staking in the pool

The staking of 1,500 CTA within a mint pass will allow you to receive an SR card, while the required amount for the pool is 3,000 CTA.

It is still necessary to earn 700 Victory Points (VP) per SR. The amount of VP automatically provided by the mint pass will not change.

The exact process, including the amount of tokens to stake, will be announced during the update.

Welcome to the Loyalty Program!

With patch 0.22.3, we will also be introducing a new Loyalty Program to replace the TCG Relics.

This program will allow each user to unlock benefits based on the number of Loyalty Points earned.

There are two ways to earn Loyalty Points:

  • Staking CTA for a selected period of time.

The longer you stake, the more Loyalty Points you earn. You keep your Loyalty Points for as long as your tokens are staked.

For example, for a stake of 1,500 CTA per SR:

  • Spending CTA (excluding secondary market).

For every 1$CTA spent, you earn 5 Loyalty Points for 4 weeks.

The more points you earn, the higher your level within the loyalty program:

Thanks to the Loyalty Program, you can receive several types of benefits that will be available across all of our products.

The first benefit is discounts in our in-game store when using CTA, on the mint price of your assets, and on the fees of the CTA marketplace (if you have a mint pass, you already have 0.00%).

The second benefit is TCG-related and can be cumulative:

Flex Rolls are distributed every 4 weeks when the Flex-o-Mator update is available.

The Energy cap does not increase the rate at which Energy accumulates. 

The exclusive shard is based on a Mythic card and will be available in Season 3. Shards will be distributed every 4 weeks.

Not only will the TCG receive benefits, but Arise will also receive benefits.

Here is an overview:

You will discover what this means as we reveal more game content.

This list of benefits is not exhaustive and may evolve as Cross The Ages games and products develop.


Collection 2.0

The next major update to the TCG will include a redesign of the collections: version 0.23.

This update is scheduled for early Q3. We want to simplify the game and make it more accessible to new players. The goal is to put card collections at the center of the game to highlight them.

As announced in our last patch, all animations have been removed from the game to be reintegrated in a different way. They will return to the TCG with this new update (new collection), but their unlocking method will be different.

Our goal is to make the animation levels more accessible to all players while still highlighting them. For each product, you will now have a collection of skins, including all animation levels. All you have to do to unlock them is play the game. We want to make it a goal to complete the collection.


Gameplay Improvements for the TCG

Improving the gameplay continues to be one of our top priorities. The goal of these improvements is to remove complexity without sacrificing depth for new players, standardize the Adventure and Arena modes, add in-game feedback, simplify deck editing, etc.

These improvements will be included in one of our next major updates, version 0.24, scheduled for the end of Q3.

Additional Information

CTA Swap

Our solution to transfer CTA across networks (Ethereum, Immutable X) and exchanges will be available soon on the CTA Portal.

CTA Marketplace

You can now choose the currency in which you want to list your assets between USDC and CTA. We are finalizing the feature that will allow you to list in USD and have the price automatically adjusted in CTA according to its rate.

Double authentication

When interacting with the Game Wallet via Cross The Ages applications, you already have 2FA authentication as you must first use your password and then validate the first operation of the game wallet via email.

Due to high demand, we will provide a way for users to request a time-based one-time password (TOTP) using applications such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.

Watch Dogs Collection

The Watch Dogs Collection will be available for purchase in-game until July 24, 2024.

Heroes’ Legacy 2024

Heroes' Legacy 2024 is currently being prepared. More information (date, location, price, etc.) will be coming soon, and the qualifiers are fast approaching.

Be ready!